DeMarcus Antonio Reed
Brooklyn NY 11217
1(702) 203-4981 (cell) or 1(917) 586-4021
Personal Information:
Height: 6'1
Weight: 192
Suite: 42
Waist: 34
Neck: 15 1/2
Shoe: 12
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Relevant Experience
​​Parish Nation (Fit Model)
Sauza Tequila (Make it with a fireman.) One of the Firemen
Summer of love Miami (Hippie Model)
Men's Warehouse suit drive (Male model)
Toshiba Medical (Ultrasound Model)
Nintendo 3DS (Flash squad dancer)
Pokemon Black & White version (promotional photographer)
Brazilian Private event (Brazil costume model)
Hershey (costume model)
Robert Churchill Photography (stock prints)
Barisonzi photography (poker shoot print)
Dockers (gift model)
www.newdmagazine.com (article)
Baku-Con (model judge)
Irene Caesar (Gallery print)
Cellfish Media (print)
New Balance (fitness model)
Jackie Vital Corp. (suits print)
Sports Museum Of America (Spokes Model)
50 Murray (Photo Shoot)
JosephGrazi.com (artistic print)
Rene Olmeda (photo shoot)
Leisure Bowling (tear sheet)
Fstop images (stock)
Lajoie Jewelry Designs (print)
Cast a model.com (host & photo shoot)
FIT (Photo Shoot)
Yearn Project (print)
Xiang Ren Photography (print)
Getty Images-(Baerbel Schmidt/photographer)
Jonathan Kantor Studios(Stock)
JJ (musician-singer/cd photo shoot)
Dean Jones (photo shoot)
Natasha Von (Artistic print)
Raripps.com Robert (lifestyle print)
Barry Lee Photography (Book prints)
Griffin Security (Print)
Parsons School of Design ( artistic photo shoot)
Dempsey Photography (photo shoot)
Psycho Therapy Clothing (Print)
The Spot Magazine (Print)
The Spot magazine (Print)
WB-11: Montel Williams Show (fashion model)
HP-Hewlett Packard (Print-background)
Honey (photo shoot - BBC productions)
Impact 210 (High Fashion Photo shoot)
Mirror Ball Studio (Stock Photo Shoot)
KAHANU IMAGE (photo shoot)
Seed Magazine (Einstein Character Model)
Leilani Manour (Photo shoot)
SBM spirit of black men (calender photo shoot)
Mess Make-up (photo shoot)
Zach photography (print model)
Floot wine (print model)
Fashion Rebels (Fashion model)
Johnny Stock Shooters (Fashion model)
Reel time Casting (High fashion model)
Devon Cass (High fashion model)
I stock photos (stock model)
Hip.Nid.Cool (photo shoot)
E-Watch Factory (catalog ad)
The Sharper Image (catalog ad)
Postcards (catalog ad)
SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SWIMSUIT ISSUE 2005 (Planters Peanuts page.123)
TARGET (catalog ad)
DELL computers (catalog ad)
DORITOS (print ad)
AVON (catalog ad)
Underwood designs (photo shoot)
Old Spice Deodorant (Cupid Model)
Amengual Photos (stock photos)
Av productions (print)
Fstopimages.com (business photo shoot)
Usain Bolt comedy
Valentina Kova design (Commercial:Role--Boyfriend)
NewYearsNation.com(short video)
The Walk up (music video)
Decent Movie (club dancer)
Love Monkey–Canterbury productions (artist)
My brother—My brothers productions (club dancer)
Glow Ropes (independent film: (Runway Model)
Hillmancurtis (video shoot)
FOX TV (take me out..bachelor)
Subs Commercial
BET-Master Of The Mix (extra)
MTV (swat extra)
Tax Commercial (Nathan Blair)
Reality show (wurrble.com)
Food Network Pilot (Diner)
Tyra Banks Show (speaker)
TTR..The true rules (expert man)
Jjmusiclove.com (music video)
The Dr. Keith Ablow Show (interview)
MTV (yo mama)
CURRENT TV--Struggling Virgin---(interview)
British Airways (commercial–Business man)
Crown Royal TV (bouncer)
BSTV–VH1 (lap dance island)
NY 70's (Neighborhood background actor)
John Robert Powers(JRP) --(Print-High fashion-Runway-Commercial-Acting)
Boxing, Swimming, Fencing, Tennis, Football, Basketball, Weights, Track, Baseball
Photographer, Chef, Teacher, Poet, Dance: Hip hop, Salsa, Club, Disco, little Ballroom, Bartender

Soul Groove (fashion show)
European Intimates (runway model)
BOIISH (runway model)
Shi-Nuh Dollz (runway model)
Red Carpet Affair (runway model)
Digomani (runway model)
Apollo Theater Designer–Battle Fashion(runway model)
Micheal Williams (runway model)
Antonio Dasilva (runway model)​​​
Wella Hair show (Assistant chef)
Hanes ESPN, MIKE & MIKE show (promotions)
Bose wireless speakers (street team captain)
Deep River chips (promotions)
Hamptons party (bartender)
NYC half marathon (Fluid manager).
Black & Decter (Handyman)
Simply Orange (promotions)
Best Buy (promotions)
Modells Sporting Goods (promotions)
Oktoberfest--(beer festival) (door man)
United walk (promotions)
Tanger Outlet New York Times (promotions)
Nets basketball team (private server)
Blue Radish Foundation (bartender)
Bulldog Care Foundation (bartender)
Fashions Night out MACY's (bartender)
Outback steakhouse (Promotions)
Nortan Anti-Virus(Cyber criminal street model)
Nestle"Quick" (sampler)
Colgate (wisp promotion)
ESPN world cup (promotions)
Red bull (bartender)
Allison-- Visa-- (jazz band security)
Allstate private party (dessert server)
Fox TV private party (dessert server)
Suave (VIP hair stylist security/Times Square)
Bike New York (model manager)
Half Marathon (stage set up)
John Legend/The roots concert(Backstage Model)
POM-Iced Coffee (Promotions)
Scotland Week (promotions)
Degree-Mary J Blige concert (VIP Model)
Gatorade-NYC marathon (Fluid manager)
Pepto-Bismol (promotions)
Sports Illustrated swimsuits (promotions)
Call of Duty MW2 (military model)
Nike (Marathon Model)
Youth INC gala (Model)
Diabetic Women (Model)
Nutrilite (Bag giver)
Pepperidge Farms (Security/Model)
Hotel Hilton (Dome Model)
Naughty Kitchen (Model Hunk)
Rocawear (bartender)
JCpennys (Street Model)
Chambord (alcohol)
New York Magazine Event (coat check guy)
Intel 2 (scooter rider)
Film Magic (www.filmmagic.com)
GQ magazine (greeter)
Mentos (promotions)
Jockey (promotions)
PS2 (promotions)
Pedigree (dog show)
Gillette (male crowd model)
Coca Cola (street model)
NIKE (promotions)
GAP (denim street model)
TIVO (Promo-Bouncer)
The cows are coming (costume model)
L’OREAL Paris (Mens Promotional model)
M-Azing M&Ms (promotions)
NYC-show-discounts. com (promotions)
Chase bank (promotions)
Jeeves.com (promotions)
Amino Vital Sports Drink (promotions)
American Express (promotions)
Tony and Tina’s wedding (promotions)
A&E-Random 1 (promotions)
Mercedes-Benz (promotions)
New York Times (promotions)
New York (extra)
Prep 4 bed bugs (lead cleaner role)
Paul Whayne (Music Video-featured robber)
Lady Luck–lady luck productions (paparazzi)
Go Get It (Bar and group scene--background)
International affairs, short film (tourist)
National Comedy (Promotions model)
​URGENT RX --- Commercial (Costume Character--Headache Pain fairy)
Food Network Prank (featured extra)
Jah-Jah (music video)
The Apprentice NBC (driver)
HP-Hewlett-Packard (national commercial)
Lisa Loeh–E! Station (background)
MTC reality (lead–client–commercial)
ABC Jake in progress (National promotion)
The NEW YORKERS (interview)
MTV (high school stories)
COURT TV–Impossible Heist (promotional actor)
FUSE TV (dance off- pants off)
Fuji TV Network(featured extra-speaking - NY laws)
Bar Patron(featured extra)
Good Loving Productions (dating show)
BET-(notarised)--New Years special (club extra)